OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.9.1 and demo app


We are pleased to announce that OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.9.1 has been released. The demo app featuring the framework has also been updated with the latest version of the framework, both on our website and the github repository.

Here is the changelog for the framework:

  •  [OSE] fix `OSE` scripts in loop
  •  [NestList] better handling of `scroller`
  •  [Carousel] fix `Uxi` with no name set not focusing
  •  [Dots] now auto updates when `Carousel` panels are added or removed
  •  [Theater] fix issue with `Theater` not showing

Just a reminder that we are not updating anymore the mobile builds on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store due to the fact that Apple does not allow us to update the demo because it contains the word "demo", despite not being a demo of a fuller app, as their guidelines enforces.