OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.7.5
We are please to announce that OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.7.5 has been released! Here is the changelog:
New Features
- [Uxi] Ability to detach/attach/move via `detach` & `attach` methods and `app.moveNode`
- [OML] Now supports passing fully formed Uxi as node in OML tree via `:Uxi` tag
- [Placeholder] objects in `default` placeholders can be now be declared as string to link to OML file
- [App] disable context menu by setting `disable_context` to `true`
- [Calendar] select `mode`
Breaking Changes
- [DynamicList] `getSelection` now returns a single object (or false) if the `mode` is set to `single`
Other Changes
- [Touch] added `touch.isRightClick` method
- [Theme] updated default theme
- [Form] added `unbindAll` method
- [Form] enhanced compatibility with `Roulette`, `Switch`, `Tags` when used as pure HTML form via `populate`
- [List] can now compare and skip different value types
- [OSE] fix not returning clone of `oml` or `json` file
- [Calendar] fix not resetting to proper date on new `val`
- [Data] Added `stringToLocale` method
- [Theme] default update to ``
- [App] Added `moveNode` method
- [Switch] Removed strict evaluation
- [Tags] Added `hide_input_on_disable` flag
- [DynamicList] `resetSelection` called upon calling `val`
- [DynamicList] list is now cloned if no `key` set in config
- [NET] fix sounds not preloading if browser tab is blurred
To learn more about OGX.JS and OGX.CLI, check out the Wiki!