OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.7.0
We are please to announce that OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.7.0 has been released! Here is the changelog
- [Placeholder] added support to node:OML as OML or JSON file via OSE script i.e. 'node:OML':'{{oml myfile}}'
- [JSON] app.getJSON now returns a clone
- [OML] app.getOML now returns a clone
- [DynamicList] fix initial rendering happening in a different thread, breaking OML in complexe cases
- [DynamicList] added selection flag in config, expects array of ids to select
- [DynamicList] added reselect flag in config
- [DynamicList] items of list are now scope sensitive via OGX.Scope if turned on, and scope CHANGE
- [Form] fix issue with max
- [Router] fix issue with routing data
- [Scope] new event CHANGE
- [Audio] Better Howl caching
- [Scroller] scroll method
- [Scroller] better handling of button fade animation
To learn more about OGX.JS and OGX.CLI, check out the Wiki!