OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.5.4
We are pleased to announce that OGX.JS javascript framework version 1.5.4 and OGX.CLI 1.2.6 have been released. The demo on this website has been updated as well with the latest version as well.
Here is the changelog since version 1.5.0.
- [Window] added HIT_BACK event triggered when main back icon is touched and Window hides when head is set to back
- [DynamicList] mode multi SELECT/UNSELECT event now broadcasted with item (vs selection), use getSelection to get full selection
- [OML] prevent adding to cache reused uxi via Uxi tag
- [Theme] update for Popup
- [Popup] trigger CLICK_BUTTON even if callback was passed
- [Popup] enableButton & disableButton methods
- [Chat] message url encoded/decoded via flag url_encode
- [Switch] minor refactor, trap touch down
- [Scroller] changed position due to breaking on iOS
- [Popup] center prevent centering out of view of parent if parent height is bigger than screen height
- [DynamicList] now passes unselected object when triggering UNSELECT
- [OSE] Added support to callbacks and passing local, thread or temp object as parameter
- [Chat] Auto encode/decode URI components
- [Theme] Default theme update
- [NPM] Better install procedure
For more information, please check out the full changelog.
Visit OGX.JS github's repo here
Visit OGX.JS demo app repo here