OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.44.1

We're excited to share that OGX.JS JavaScript Framework has just rolled out version 1.44.1! This latest release is packed with exciting new features, essential bug fixes, and numerous enhancements, further cementing OGX.JS’s reputation as a robust and user-friendly JavaScript framework.
What’s New in OGX.JS 1.44
Breaking Changes
Due to the overhaul of the Tags component, that now uses `DynamicList`, `Display` and now supports `OML`, some flags and features are now obsolete. Note that these changes most likely do not affect your code beyond removing obsolete flags, and adjusting some `CSS` declarations.
[CSS] the `CSS` class for `Tags` have been renamed from `ogx_tags_tag` to `ogx_tag`
[Tags] `ASCII` mode is now obsolete and has been removed
[Tags] `hide_input_on_disable` flag is obsolete and has been removed
[Tags] `click_more` flag is obsolete and has been removed
[Tags] `mode` flag is obsolete and has been removed
[Tags] `TAG_ADDED` and `TAG_REMOVED` constants have been renamed to `ADDED` and `REMOVED`
[Display] the default fallback type has been renamed from `__default` to `default`
New Features
[Tags] added `OML` support to tags
[Tags] added `Display` support
[Tags] added `keys` flag to map `label`, `id` and `value` to other fields, in object mode
[Tags] added `callbacks.input` and `onInput` callbacks
[Tags] suggestions now supports `display_max` and `display_more` flags
Other Changes
[Tags] `mode` is now automatic
[Theme] default theme updated `1.2.4` to support updated `Tags` component and `Roulette` tweaks
Bug Fixes
[OSE] fix issues with `$` as parameter
[Uxi] fix `ogx_uxi_disabled` class missing