OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.2.5 released
We are pleased to announce that OGX.JS javascript framework version 1.2.5 and OGX.CLI 1.1.1 have been released.
Here is the changelog since 1.2.0 for OGX.JS
- [Object] fix recursive destroy cycling over already destroyed nodes
- [App] fix broken getVisiblePopups
- [Carousel] prevent calling focus/blur on non init child instance
- [Carousel] linkNodes now at construct (vs init)
- [Uxi] added regex support for id to find and cfind methods
- [Popup] ungroup reuses group icons
- [OML] fix Uxi element & listeners not reinit after Uxi move
- [Object] added uncache method
- [Carousel] better handling of nodes indexes
- [Carousel] fix node not focused after tab order swap via Container
- [Tabs] fix wrong cache order after order change from drag
- [Bind] added support to path-to-property of remote_property
- [OML] fix replaceNodeName not returning more than one node
- [OSE] added data support to template in template
- [OSE] fix loop interpretation in some rare cases
- [Templater] OSE template command now handled by Templater instead of OSE, allow data support of template in template
- [RouletteTree] fix disabled roulettes after init with disabled then enable
- [NPM] Restore missing install.js for npm
- [Carousel] no anim on first show (via config.index)
- [APP] Prevent multi UNGROUP trigger, Carousel added anim switch in showPanel
- [Switch] inverted default labels
- [OSE] better variable vs string detection
- [Uxi] faster reveal, better topIndex
- [Uxi] fix not added to cache after Popup group
- [Popup] group fix inverted tabs
Here is the changelog for the CLI
- [link/unlink] only links files with extensions .js and .css, rest is ignored
Visit the github repository of the framework here
Visit the npm package of the framework here