OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.17.0
We are pleased to announce that OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.15.0 have been released. What is OGX.JS ? It is the fastest framework to build mobile, web and desktop apps from scratch!
Here are the changes for this version:
New Features
- [DynamicList] added no_selection flag and noSelection method
- [Color] rgbToHex, rgbToHsl nd hslToRgb now accept any variation of arguments (string, array, object and arguments)
- [Calendar] added BROWSE event, triggered when user navigates with top arrow buttons
- [Form] bindField allowed flag now defaults to /[0-9a-zA-Z‘’'"à-úÀ-Ú\-\!\.\?#@$\:\(\)\/_,;%' ]/
- [OSE] added additional debugging messages if the script fails
- [Uxi] Added optional flag name, and gatherByName method
- [Router] added OGX.Router.GOTO event, triggered upon internal link
- [Router] Added cache feature, allow to reuse complete routes from Cache instead of re-rendering
- [Templater, OSE] recursive dynamic templating with custom object is now possible via OSE
- [OML] added Function tag, which calls a user function that returns a Promise. Based on resolve, a different OML node will be rendered
Bug Fixes
- [Router] fix issues with capturing variable in dynamic routes with multiple dynamic routes
- [Form] fix issue with bindField over textarea with new lines and restrict
- [Uxi] render has been deprecated with no replacement
- [DynamicList] clear has been deprecated and replaced with wipe
- [Tags] clear has been deprecated and replaced with wipe
- [Chat] clear has been deprecated and replaced with wipe
Check out the full changelog of the framework for more information about this release.
Update : We've released OGX.JS version 1.17.1 with an added method
[Router] added expire method to clear the cache for a given url