OGX.JS JavaScript Framework version 1.14.0
We are pleased to announce that OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.14.0 have been released. What is OGX.JS ? It is the fastest framework to build mobile, web and desktop apps from scratch!
Here are the changes for this version:
- [DynamicList] select now supports array if selection mode is multi
- [List] in and nin added support to number to string|array|object|number comparison
- [Router] added eval option to handle custom navigation permissions
- [Router] scoping now supports scope expressions
- [DynamicList] scoping now supports scope expressions
- [Scope] scope to test can now be declared as a regular expression
- [Carousel] added prev and next method
This version comes with a few deprecations
- [Scope] check has been marked as deprecated in favor to eval
- [Scope] match has been marked as deprecated in favor to eval
Check out the full changelog of the framework for more information about this release.