OGX.JS Javascript Framework version 1.0.14 released
We are please to announce that OGX.JS version 1.0.14 has been released. Here is the change log for this version:
- [Form] bindField added validate flag
- [Form] bindField trigger change if enter is pressed on non multiline field, supports validate
- [Templater] added global vars support in loop operation
- [Stage] added OML support in app.json
- [Stage] prevent sleeping before OML rendering done
- [Router] enforce reload flag, no adding to history if reload false on same stage and url
- [Data] moved stringToVal method from Form to Data
- [Roulette] added support to data-value attribute to set initial value
- [Switch] added support to data-value attribute to set initial value
Head over to our github release page to download OGX.JS or install/update using npm by doing
npm i @globules-io/ogx.js