New components round up and neutralino
New Components
We've got a bunch of new excitiing components for OGX.JS! Stop coding and start making awesome apps with OGX.JS!
With a new set of additional components, it's now even easier and faster to build complex applications with JavaScript and OGX.JS. You can download these components from the github repository, or from our download page.
Want to make complex resize-able inferfaces with a few lines of JSON? Of course you do! Check out our new FlexCells component that generates or use a flex container, and enable resizing between cells or flex-items. You can embed one into another and have control over the axis of the resize.
Timeband is an infinite timeline that uses Swapper as base component. The result is an infinite scrollable timeline that only uses 3 containers that are swapped around. No more having gigantic containers with years of data when you can just show a slice! Also indicate the current day's position.
Used by Timeband, Swapper is a 3x1 box system that is swapped around to create an infinite scrollable band. Each block can render content based on a relative or absolute position.
The essential right click context menu for any desktop or web application. This component relies on DynamicList to display the menu.
The missing piece no more! Until now, if you wanted to have a sortable table in JavaScript in OGX.JS, you had to rely on external libraries, that would work, but wouldn't use the power of OML. This is now fixed, with a brand now Table component that displays data inteliigently based on its type. In other words, will only render what is humanly readable.
Did you know that Neutralino.JS is a great partner for OGX.JS? Want to make desktop apps in JavaScript but don't want all the bells and whistles of Electron ? Check out Neutralio! And have OGX.JS run in your Neutralino container! Tutorial to come...