New downloads and builds page
We are pleased to announce that custom builds of OGX.JS are now available via the new download page.
You can now download a custom build for your project so you don't have to include all files if you don't need them, and make the OGX footprint smaller. The core components are automatically included and then you can select common components and even extra components. All files are then compressed together and zipped for you to download. Custom builds are all based on the lastest available version of OGX.JS JavaScript framework.
We've also added a download feature to download older versions of OGX.JS, starting at version 1.19.1. Older versions are available at the github repo of the framework. The prefered method is still to use the CLI command ogx update --force but if you just need to update OGX, you can also download the minimal files there.
Some new components have also appeared in the component repository such as Swapper and Timeband.
Swapper is an infinite horizontal scroller that works with a 3 x 1 box system that are swapped around. The component always keeps the same amount of DIV to render an infinite scrollable band.
Timeband is an infinite timeline made of months, that can be zoomed in and out, and also displays the current date along the timeline. And you guess it, it uses Swapper to render the infinite timeline.
More components are coming out of beta and will also be available soon.