100th release of OGX.JS Javascript Framework
We are happy to release the 100th version of OGX.JS, via version 1.2.9. Here is the changelog since version 1.2.7.
- [OML] refactor blur/focus sequence, fix issues related to objects not receiving focus
- [RouletteTree] better handling of blur/focus for Roulettes
- [Bind] refactor event handler, better handling of multi properties scenarios
- [Prod] console disabled in production builds
- [Carousel] fix Uxi's created with scroll flag not receiving focus
- [Uxi] prevent focusing all nodes along the tree when focusing a top parent with a disabled node along the tree
OGX.JS 1.2.9 is available for download via github and via npm.
We are also pleased to announce that we have updated our cordova-plugin-ios-xhr plugin with version 1.0.6. For more information about this plugin, please visit the github repo.